There is no such thing.
Of course, the conversation could end here. But let's look at it a little closer. Here's what I know: when I pray, recite the psalms, for example, I am not praying alone. At the moment that I stand up to recite the psalms I become a convergence point in space and time. In this place where I am standing all prayers converge. I accept the invitation to become a focal point for the Light, and generations of the faithful flood in, their prayers in countless languages, said in countless tones, fly out of my lips in a great song of praise.
Every Christian is brought to the corner of my bedroom looking over the generic backyards of suburbia. And from this corner Light floods the world. Every one who was chosen by Christ before the creation of the world, every one who has ever prayed, who is praying, and who will pray, wherever they may be, prays here as one voice, one heart, one mind, with one strength.