Please help me to pray to Our Lord.
I invite you into this moment, Jesus.
I surrender to you as my Lord, God and Savior.
Lord Jesus, let me be before you just as I am.
Let me know you just as you are.
Let us meet here and now.
Maranatha! Cover me with Your precious blood, and fill me with your Holy
Bring into my mind my sins of today.
Give me a spirit of contrition to repent even as those sins are consumed
by your forgiveness.
In your Name I forgive all others for the offenses that I took.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their
Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul, and spirit.
I Love You, Lord Jesus.
I Praise You, Jesus.
I Thank You, Jesus.
By your grace I shall follow you every day of my life.